From the Bureau of Labor, June 4, 2010
“Total nonfarm payroll employment grew by 431,000 in May, reflecting the hiring of 411,000 temporary employees to work on Census 2010, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reported today. Private-sector employment changed little (+41,000). Manufacturing, temporary help services, and mining added jobs, while construction employment declined. The unemployment rate edged down to 9.7 percent.”
So out of 431,000 jobs 411,000 are government employees!
Impressive, is it not?
What is impressive is how the government can claim federal census workers as new jobs being “created”.
Look people! The simple fact is that our government does not produce ANYTHING of value, so a government job cannot be considered in my opinion as anything other than an expenditure. It produces nothing, so it is not a job. You may argue that a government job provides a service, but other than the military and a couple of other essential jobs (that the government is supposed to do) you would be hard pressed to quantify a person who is making above standard wages whose sole purpose is to ask you questions and fill out a form
“Hello, I am from the government and I am here to help you! You can trust me!”
After doing a bit of research and talking to a census “lady” I found out that the government is hiring more than they need, then training them and in turn laying them off only to hire them back again in a few weeks. They then re-train them again (all the while they are getting paid for this) and then telling them that they hired too many and have no work for them to do.
So, the question is does the government count re-hires at the census office as a “New Job”? Are they purposely inflating the employment rates from this re-hiring practice?
I looked this up and Census 2010 director Robert M. groves said this “Census Director Groves, May 25: [W]e do not hire, then fire, and then rehire anyone. Any employee who is fired is fired for cause.” Being fired is one thing but what about being laid off?
Sorry, but I do not trust these people!
And Mr Groves still does not explain the fact that the BLS tallies jobs as people that are on a payroll at any given time!
If a normal worker is laid off they do not receive a paycheck. Hence they are not counted as a paid employee for a given period. Once re-hired and on a PAYROLL they then are counted as employed. So what is this mess about the frontloading of labor for the Census? Can the government not figure out roughly how many employees it will take for this task? I can see a legitimate business frontloading labor for some expected increase in business but the government?
Oh, I guess that does make sense because the government is involved.
I also heard on the Phil Valentine show from a woman who is a census 2010 worker that the average wage for a census worker in Nashville is $17.50/hr, in the Murfreesboro area it is $14-$15/hr and in the sticks it is about $12/hr-$13/hr.
Now, think about this. If the minimum wage that is setup as a “fair” wage by the government is so fair then why not pay them $7.25 an hour?
Assuming a 40 hour work week, the average wage for a factory worker is $12.50/hr and that is for someone who IS producing!
Now, I am not an economics professor nor do I play one on TV but if anybody can explain this to me or blow
holes in this as to why I think this is a scam then please do.
In the meantime, at least to me, it stinks to high Heaven!